Preliminary study on Cybersecurity Knowledge in users of SMEs: A Case study in Riobamba City
cybersecurity, cybersecurity knowledge, cyber-attacks, final users, survey, EcuadorAbstract
Cyber-attacks not only occur in large companies, today everyone is exposed to this type of concern, which is intended to interrupt the confidentiality of user information. This work aims to carry out a preliminary study on the knowledge of cybersecurity in users of SMEs (small and medium-sized companies), taking the city of Riobamba - Ecuador as a case study. As a method, we carry out a descriptive investigation. The information was collected crosssectionally and a survey was applied as a research method. From a population of 100 companies, 30 were selected by simple random probability sampling. An instrument was applied to this sample in order to obtain a current status of the level of knowledge of the end users of SMEs. Finally, a representative statistical model of the population is presented that contributes to the state of the art for future research. As results, we observe that 70% of users have a medium level of knowledge about cybersecurity, 13.33% have a high level and 16.67% a low level. Our results suggest that SME users need to continue updating their knowledge on cybersecurity issues either through awareness campaigns and a series of training on cybersecurity concepts and techniques.
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