Analysis of Power System Stability of a Hybrid Microgrid for On-grid and Off-Grid Operation by using ETAP software


  • Holguer Noriega Escuela Superior Poli´técnica del Litoral
  • Victor Herrera-Pérez Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
  • Mayra Pacheco Cunduri Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
  • Esteban Guevara-Cabezas Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
  • Fernando Vaca-Urbano Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral
  • Iván Ortiz-Parra Independent Researcher



Power System Stability, Hybrid Microgrid, ETAP, Fault clearance, Prosumer


In this article, we worked under a hybrid microgrid design that includes photovoltaic generation and electrical network to perform a stability analysis of the microgrid response considering off-grid and on-grid operation scenarios. The methodology used for stability analysis was developed using the ETAP software, from the modeling and simulation of 4 cases corresponding to different operating scenarios of a 400 kW concentrated electrical load micro-grid, in which possible stability failures were identified. Finally, the worst type of failure that occurred was tested and resolved, determining that the photovoltaic system does not influence the stability in off-grid operation, assigning the instability to the auxiliary devices of the network, and to the speed of their response to the failures. It was concluded that the critical clearance time and the critical clearance angle of the fault are crucial to know if an electrical power system will be able to return to a stable condition or become unstable.



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How to Cite

H. Noriega, V. Herrera-Pérez, M. Pacheco Cunduri, E. Guevara-Cabezas, F. Vaca-Urbano, and I. Ortiz-Parra, “Analysis of Power System Stability of a Hybrid Microgrid for On-grid and Off-Grid Operation by using ETAP software”, Perspectivas, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 54–61, Jul. 2021.



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