Evaluation of the Efficiency and Portability of the Web Tool (Geria) for Recording the Daily Activities of the Elderly According to the ISO 25012 Software Development Quality Standard
Software development, Software evaluation, Quality, Web applications, XP methodologyAbstract
Since the crisis caused by the COVID pandemic and its implications on the health of the elderly, a web application called "Geria" has been implemented to manage gerontological information in comprehensive care centers, recording daily activities and questions based on patterns of functional self-perception regarding the indicators of the Barthel index to identify a person's ability to perform activities in a dependent or independent manner. The application was developed using the XP methodology and once the tool was finished, the software quality attributes were measured according to the ISO 25012 regulations: efficiency and portability. For this, a Student's T statistical analysis was performed for the 3 reporting modules corresponding to: daily activities, functional patterns, and recreational activities, obtaining as a result a significance level less than 0 (2.2E-16; 0.0006; 0.05 respectively).
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Copyright (c) 2024 Blanca F. Hidalgo, Lorena Aguirre, Alonso Álvarez, Jorge Jiménez, Cecilio Tasna
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