Comprehensive web solution for the management of training in the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo using an Agile Framework
Scrum, SOA, J2EE, Nielsen, PostgreSQLAbstract
The purpose of this work was the design, implementation and evaluation of a comprehensive web solution for the automation of the training management process at the Polytechnic School of Chimborazo, as a model to be followed in Higher Education Institutions. For which, initially a market analysis and several research works in this area were carried out to find a possible solution that adapts to institutional needs. Subsequently, the web solution was implemented using the agile Scrum framework and the SOA architecture under J2EE technology with a PostgreSQL database engine. Finally, the application was deployed on a Payara server to be evaluated under Nielsen's heuristic usability principles, which allowed the identification of errors and problems of consistency, standardization and functionality, obtaining as a result a usable and accessible application for end users.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Diego Bernardo Palacios Campana, Lourdes Paredes Castelo, Gonzalo Allauca Peñafiel, Pamela Buñay Guisñan, Myrian Narváez Vilema

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