Web system for the collection of evidence generated by university teachers


  • Pamela Alexandra Buñay Guisñan Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo
  • Guido Javier Mazón Fierro Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
  • Miryan Narváez Vilema Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo
  • Paúl Paguay Soxo Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo




Evidence, collection, ICTs, digital preservation, web system


As part of ICTs, computer systems play an important role in automating the processes of different institutions. In the Systems and Computing Engineering career at UNACH, the process of gathering, reviewing and evaluating evidence was carried out manually, causing a series of inconveniences such as: loss of information, duplicate information, loss of time, errors and lack of information. physical space. Carrying out the evaluation of the evidence caused the person responsible to move to the different places where the information was stored, causing loss of time and effort. The verification of the delivery of evidence was done in an Excel file, creating versions of the same evidence for different processes causing difficulty in centralizing the evidence, validating and generating reports on the fulfillment of the activities carried out by the teachers. For this reason, the objective of this research is to develop a web system that helps teachers to record the evidence generated in the different academic processes, which will be evaluated by a commission of experts. The before and after use of the system was analyzed through the parametric T-student test with a sample smaller than 30, determining that there was an increase of 37.63% in teacher compliance when using the system. When analyzing the system, the number of requested evidence increased to 57.14% and the review time decreased to 66.66%.



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How to Cite

P. A. Buñay Guisñan, G. J. Mazón Fierro, M. Narváez Vilema, and P. X. Paguay Soxo, “ Web system for the collection of evidence generated by university teachers”, Perspectivas, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 31–35, Jul. 2021.



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